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Gum Disease


Periodontitis (gum disease) is the number one cause of tooth and bone loss. It can begin as simple Gingivitis, soreness, redness or swelling of the gums. This can be caused by poor oral hygiene, certain medical conditions, or plaque buildup. Your first line of defense should always be a twice-yearly checkup. If simple gingivitis is detected, a deep cleaning is necessary. However, if untreated, gums and teeth can become infected with bacteria that eventually form pockets around the teeth and make an acid that destroys gums and tooth enamel. This can lead to bone loss, loosening of the teeth in the mouth and eventually tooth loss or the need for extraction. These can still be treated, but do require more complex procedures. In severe cases, Periodontal Surgery is performed where the mouth is divided into quadrants and systemically deep cleaned, removing plaque and any food or other particles on the teeth. But we want to make sure none of these happen to you. Many treatments and procedures are minimally invasive and pain-free, but what is most important is to catch these problems early so they do not progress any further. The patient is also educated about proper oral hygiene and early signs of gum disease.


gum disease treatment services

Todays Dental Group