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Pain Control

Dental Pain Control

Many people still believe that pain and discomfort are an unavoidable part of receiving dental treatment. This is no longer so! In fact, new technologies have changes the way Dentists and Oral surgeons handle pain and discomfort associated with standard dental procedures. One of the most exciting new tools is the Dental Wand. This is a totally new technology which takes advantage of the fact the brain cannot normally receive two signals at the same time. The Wand uses a specially designed vibrating technology that, by touching the gum, overrides other pain signals with a simple mild pinching sensation, actually 'confusing' your brain and rendering many simple operations completely painless. It uses no drugs and is absolutely safe and effective for adults as well as children. We also provide nitrous oxide gas and other medications, including Dental Amnesia, where the patient will not even remember the procedure, especially for our dental phobic patients.


dental clinic pain control

Todays Dental Group